Suit combinations in bridge - analysis and oddsAnalyse Card Combinations in Bridge with the Bridge CCAnalyser!The Bridge CCAnalyser - Bridge Card Comb
Suit combinations in bridge - analysis and odds
Analyse Card Combinations in Bridge with the Bridge CCAnalyser!
The Bridge CCAnalyser - Bridge Card Combinations Analyser – app is developed for the analysis of card combinations in Bridge.
The analysis engine supports finding the best line of play to obtain a required number of tricks. Special conditions in terms of known numbers of side cards in the opponent’s hands, limited side entries to the hands of the player and the maximum number of HCP in the opponent’s hands can be specified as input to the analysis. Alternative lines of play can be selected by specifying forcing and avoiding lines.
The result of the analysis is presented as a list of variants with the calculated winning probabilities shown for each variant. The list is sorted by winning probability with the best lines first. The variants can be compared pairwise.
In the “Distributions” pane are the distributions for a variant shown. Initially the distributions for the best line are selected. The distributions for the other variants can be shown by clicking on the associated variant buttons.